Halal Feed and Food Inspection Authority (HFFIA)
Your trusted Inspection Body, supervised by Majelis Al-Ifta
About Us
Halal Certification Body Since 1994
In the early seventies a Federation for Muslim Organisations (FEMON) was established in the Netherlands. Dutch Muslims and Muslims of Asian and North African origin participated in this Federation to facilitate Muslims and develop understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims. The founder of HFFIA was involved in the FEMON as one of the spokespersons. With the support of several Masjids and Muslim organizations, in 1994 the Halal Feed and Food Foundation (HFFF) and later in 1996 the Halal Feed and Food Inspection Authority (HFFIA) were established.
Muslims in Europe and abroad are from many different ethnic backgrounds and from all Madhabs. Important to note are the four most recognized Sunni madhaahib (Maliki, Shafi’i, Hanafi and Hanbali), school of thought within Islamic jurisprudence which were founded in the course of history and are followed by the majority of Muslims in the world. The Madhabs represented in the Islamic affairs experts is representative for the Global Muslim community, by which HFFIA is able to issue Halal certificates which are suitable for all Muslims in the world.

Food and Feed Certification

Pharmaceutical Certification

Drugs and Cosmetic Certification

Raw Material Certification

Finished/Semi finished Product Certification

Processing Line Certification
Certifier Experts
Years Of Experience
Satisfied Clients
Certified Products
Why choose us
HFFIA emphasizes the importance of quality and impartiality in its organization and operations. The quality policy in which the impartiality is taken into account forms the basis for the implementation of the general policy. There is a continuous focus on increasing efficiency, optimizing services and maintaining compliance with relation to the Dutch Law and regulations as well as the Islamic Law and regulations as this is assessed and advised by the Masjid Al-Ifta.
All of the HFFIA personnel is qualified according to their job requirements, competence and capability to perform all duties assigned to them. Additionally, all personnel involved in the audit and certification decision making processes are Muslims who are technically competent and ethically committed to Islamic values.
Our standards:
HQAS (Halal Quality Assurance System)
GSO 2055-1:2015 and GSO 993-2015
UAE.S 2055-1:2015
Halal Assurance System HAS 23000:1, LPPOM-MUI 2012
Malaysian Halal Standard ‘Halal Food: Production, Preparation, Handling and Storage – General Guide’ (MS 1500:2009, second revision)