Halal Food
Nowadays you hear more and more that food, the method of preparation and the amount consumed, has a direct influence on the health and behavior of people. For these reasons, among other things, Islam has dietary requirements. The concepts of Halal and Haram also play a very important role in this. It is of great importance for the Muslim that he takes food that is Halal (permitted).
Halal means following what Allah subhanehu wa ta’ala in the Qur’an as permitted and clean. The opposite of Halal is Haram. This means: whatever Allah subhanehu wa ta’ala has forbidden and what is seen as bad and unclean. Both concepts play an essential role in the life of Muslims. The principle of Halal and Haram is by Allah subhanehu wa ta’ala given as a prescribed guideline whereby people have been given the distinguishing capacity between right and wrong and therefore man is also responsible for his or her actions.
Everything what a Muslim eats and drinks must be Halal (permitted). Every Muslim generally knows that eating pork and drinking alcoholic beverages is not allowed in Islam. We also know that there are (ritual) rules for the slaughter of Halal animals. Consuming Halal food is an order from Allah subhanehu wa ta’alaen and an essential part of the Islamic teachings. Allah subhanehu wa ta’ala has repeatedly pointed out the consumption of halal in the Qur’an . The following verse is an example of this:
“ O people, eat on earth that which is permissible and good…” 2:168
Likewise the following verse:
” O you who believe , eat of the good things with which We have provided you and be thankful to Allah if you worship Him.” 2:172
So, why do Muslim eat Halal?
- It is an obligation in Islam; Allah subhanehu wa ta’ala mentions it explicitly in the Qur’an .
- You are what you eat; if you eat Halal, you will also be more aware of the implementation of the Halal concept in your daily life.
- It is a way of dealing with your diet in a conscious, healthy and moderate way.
The HFFIA Inspection Service
Nowadays it is not easy for the (Muslim) consumer to find real Halal (controlled) food. Many products contain ingredients, additives and/or aids that are not Halal. In addition, products are often marketed under the name “Halal” that do not meet Islamic standards and/or Islamic standards. Unfortunately, (Muslim) consumers are often not aware of this.
The HVV Inspection Service is the body that tests and guarantees the Halalworthiness of processes and products. The inspection service carries out audits & inspections and certifies products for their Halalworthiness. Halal screening and certification is based on Islamic religious standards. In this way it is ensured daily that Muslims worldwide can use and consume Halal products without worries and with proof.
The policy of the HVV inspection service is supervised by the Decisions Committee of HVV where, in addition to people with a technical background, there are also Imaams with an Islamic (study) background. The purpose of this committee is to investigate whether the processes and products of food companies can be labeled as Halal worthy, so that they are allowed for every Muslim, regardless of the legal school, cultural and/or ethnic origin. The HVV Inspection Service also acts as an extension of the accrediting bodies, which in turn, by means of the standards, set requirements that must be met in order to approve and protect the Halal dignity of products and processes within the various food companies. .
If these are not strictly followed and also not checked for their application, the following may be encountered:

>> Aldi Supermarket Apologizes To Muslims After Selling ‘Halal-Certified’ Black Pudding With Pig Blood and Skins – 2005